
My Adventure With JavaScript Promises and Fetch API

I’m too rookie to offer a full-blown tutorial on JavaScript Promises and the Fetch API. However, some of the insights and concepts I learned could be helpful to you if you’re stepping into JavaScript Promises and the Fetch API for the first time. What are “Promises?” Mozilla’s MDN has a simple definition of Promises. “The […]


The Best SEO-Friendly JavaScript

What’s considered the best SEO-friendly JavaScript? Google has improved much over the years, and one of those innovations (besides the usage of A.I.) is the ability to crawl and process JavaScript. But not all scripts are equal. In this blog post, learn about the elements of JavaScript that are pertinent for SEO and ways to […]


Natural Language Processing With Built-in PHP Functions

What is Natural Language Processing? Natural language processing (also known as “NLP”) is a programmatic (and sometimes algorithmic) way of processing digitized text and treating it as human language. IBM has a much better and thorough explanation: Natural language processing (NLP) refers to the branch of computer science—and more specifically, the branch of artificial intelligence […]

Data Science Programming SEO

Python and Data Science Resources for SEO

Python is one of the top programming languages today. Beginners who have learned it describe the ease and quickness of mastering its syntax. Experts of Python brag about its versatility. Machine learning, data analytics, web page development, and even hardware applications are possible to process and compute. AI is an emerging area being used to analyze data […]

Programming SEO

Programming for SEO Professionals

Why Should an SEO Professional Care About Programming? Although there’s no formal definition of skills and knowledge that an SEO professional should possess, it’s best to understand which technologies being used by a website contribute to technical SEO. If problems arise, you should be able to suggest which technology implementation needs to be initially investigated. […]